Mega Man 4 is the best NES Mega Man game, actually

Which of the six1 NES Mega Man games is the best has been debated for eternity, give or take a few years. The most common candidates for that title are Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3, the former having a slight edge with its reputation as "the best Mega Man game evah, OMG!!!111" But because I'm a smart, cultured person whose opinions on entertainment are always correct (/s), I believe it is Mega Man 4 that is the best NES Mega Man. Here are my reasons.


Okay, I know it may be strange to have a section about MM4's flaws when the whole point is to praise it. But I'm the kind of person who'll criticize even the things they love, so here goes.

  1. Okay, so there also was Wily & Right's RockBoard: That's Paradise, making it seven, but who's gonna call that their favorite?