Watching Game Center CX for the first time

Recently, I've watched Game Center CX Mega Man 3's two-parter out of boredom. I'd never seen the show before, so I didn't know what to expect.

The first thing I noticed is that Arino's terrible. I understand that he's not an experienced Mega Man player and Mega Man 3 is hard, but that didn't stop me from cringing. My main pet peeves were his refusal to use special weapons outside of boss battles or using suboptimal weapons when he did use them, spamming weapons during boss's invulnerability, forgetting about the slide, and carelessly damage-boosting.

However, i was impressed how Arino defeated Snake Man without any E-Tanks, which is something I never managed to do. It was a pleasant surprise when he got through the last screen of Spark Man's stage on the first try; he also figured out the classic "jumping on Rush Jet to conserve energy" trick on his own, as well as cleverly destroyed a Hammer Joe using Gemini Laser.

The narrator's commentary is entertaining, making gameplay failures much more tolerable. Arino himself is charming and does a great job of being a likable underdog you want to root for, with his crew helping out as well.

I remembered yet again how much I adore Mega Man 3's music. Can you believe some people think Mega Man 2's music is better? Insanity.

My favorite moments, in the chronological order: